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GoWest Solar is a pioneering effort to increase the value of solar energy. GoWest Solar offers Jinko Eagle Modules (400W) in a small (3.8kW) or large (7.6kW) array for residential customers across the Lake Region Electric Cooperative service territory. What is unique about these arrays is that they are aligned at 240 degrees to the southwest, optimizing electricity production during summer evenings when demand is high and the market value is greatest. If you use a significant amount of electricity in the summer, GoWest Solar provides an attractive alternative to traditional solar by cutting electric costs.
Lake Region members with GoWest save by:
- Offsetting electric use by utilizing solar-produced kWh; meaning, every kWh you produce is one you do not have to pay for on your electric bill.
- Utilizing summer peak demand reduction; GoWest Solar is designed to produce power during the peak demand hours of summer which then creates additional benefits for co-op members.
- Excess solar production that flows back into the Lake Region electric grid will be purchased at the co-op’s wholesale energy cost.
Estimated First Year Production + Savings based on a 95% utilization of summertime solar energy. Wondering how the Inflation Reduction Act can help? Visit here to learn more.

Energy rates + demand credits are subject to change
- How do I qualify? Your property will need to have room to accommodate a ground mount array with good southwest exposure. You will get the best return when you utilize the electricity you produce, reducing usage on your bill, rather than sending excess electricity back to LREC. We will help you assess your usage patterns to make sure GoWest is a good fit.
- What is the difference between GoWest Solar and conventional net metered solar? The same solar equipment can be used for either approach, and both systems are electrically interconnected and metered the same way. Where they differ are in the rates and credits—making them economically and philosophically different offerings. The GoWest Solar program philosophy is supported by energy market economics and it benefits both members and the co-op. GoWest Solar is available exclusively through Lake Region Electric Cooperative.
- Who installs and maintains the GoWest Solar system? Lake Region Electric Cooperative personnel sells and installs the system for you. Making sure your system performs properly is just as important to us as it is for you. As your local electric co-op, we stand by our commitment and can be there for maintenance and warranty repairs. Electrical interconnection work is completed by your electrician.
- Are there federal tax credits available? Yes, but you will want to speak with your tax accountant about your personal eligibility. The federal Investment Tax Credit was originally established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Owners of new residential and commercial solar can receive up to 30% of the cost of the system as a tax credit.
- Can GoWest be financed through EASY-PAY? Yes! Connect with LREC’s Energy Service Department to learn more.
Will I be able to track the output of the GoWest Solar? Yes, The SolarEdge inverter comes with remote monitoring through a cellular based modem.