Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) is a member-owned, member-controlled electric utility serving more than 28,000 member-consumers in the counties of Otter Tail, Wilkin, Grant, Douglas, Clay and Becker. LREC has a strong commitment to its member-consumers who represent all 50 states.

To best serve its member-consumers, LREC has 30 substations which power approximately 4,046 miles of overhead lines and approximately 1,815 miles of underground lines. LREC’s service territory is located in west central Minnesota and has 1,000 lakes and a diverse topography. LREC’s membership is a mix of residential, commercial and industrial, and seasonal homes. The cooperative averages 4.6 members per mile in our 3,200 square mile service territory.
Because we are a cooperative, margins (or profits) are allocated to members’ capital credits accounts. Periodically, capital credits are returned to members based on the amount of electricity they purchased. To date, LREC has allocated $93.7 million and retired (paid out) $37.1 million in patronage to its co-op members.
Vision: Leading, empowering, guiding members/customers to use energy wisely to secure a better future for our families, our communities, and our world.
Mission: Provide our members/customers with safe, reliable, affordable electricity, and lead by offering innovative services to grow the cooperative.
Values: At Lake Region Electric Cooperative, we value:
- Safety
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Accountability
- Open, honest communications
- Commitment to members, community, and employees