At Lake Region Electric Cooperative, decision making is local. Our co-op policies and strategic imperatives are driven by the local directors who have been elected from and by their local peers. Your active involvement is important for a healthy and vibrant cooperative.
Our annual membership meeting takes place in April. In addition to our primary location for the annual meeting, we have been holding additional satellite locations to better cover our entire service territory. At each location there is a member meal, followed by a business meeting (satellite locations have a livestream) that summarizes the past year. Elections are held for directors. We depend on local governance by our board of directors elected from and by fellow members of the cooperative.
2024 Annual Meeting
Lake Region Electric Cooperative hosted their 87th Annual Meeting on April 18th. Attendees were able to choose between three in person locations or an online livestream option. If you were unable to attend, a recording of the meeting is below.

Director Elections
Incumbent and current Board Vice Chair Kurt Krueger was nominated in District 1, and incumbent and current Board Chair Tom Jennen was nominated in District 7. Both Kurt and Tom were nominated without opposition, and in accordance with Lake Region Electric Cooperative’s Bylaws, both are deemed elected by acclamation.
In District 4, Lee Mindemann and David Pawlowski were nominated as director candidates. Voting will take place to determine which candidate will take the vacant District 4 spot. Only members of District 4 can vote.